Class ClipboardHandler


@PublicAPI public final class ClipboardHandler extends Object

Facade of the Clipboard handling in Marvin.

Utility class that can be used to transfer Molecule or other data from Marvin to the system clipboard using cut/copy/paste operations.

Marvin 5.3 11/25/2009
  • Method Details

    • setWorkOnBackground

      public static void setWorkOnBackground(boolean b)
      Starts or stops the background worker thread and ensures the required state for the type of work. If it previously worked in the background then waits for the previously submitted tasks to finish.
      It defaults to false.
      b - true means working in the background, false means working on the current thread.
    • getWorkOnBackGround

      public static boolean getWorkOnBackGround()
      Returns whether the subsystem works on the current thread or on a background thread.
      true if it works on the current thread false otherwise.
    • setClearClipboardBeforeExport

      public static void setClearClipboardBeforeExport(boolean b)
      Sets whether the subsystem should clear the clipboard before a copy operation. The default value is true.
      b - true or false
    • isClearClipboardBeforeExport

      public static boolean isClearClipboardBeforeExport()
      Returns whether the subsystem clears the clipboard before a copy operation.
      true if the clipboard is cleared before a copy operation false otherwise.
    • putStringToClipboard

      public static void putStringToClipboard(String str)
      Places the given String to the clipboard as a StringSelection. When processing on a background thread, this method will continuously try to put the String to the clipboard until the operation has succeeded.
      str - the String to be placed to the clipboard
      IllegalStateException - if the clipboard is currently unavailable, and running on the current thread.
    • putFormattedTextToClipboard

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) @SubjectToRemoval(date=JUL_01_2025) public static void putFormattedTextToClipboard(Document doc, int start, int end)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Method to place HTMLDocument on clipboard. Use putTransferableToClipboard() instead.
    • putImageToClipboard

      public static void putImageToClipboard(Image img)
      Places the given Image to the clipboard. When processing on a background thread, this method will continuously try to put the String to the clipboard until the operation has succeeded.
      img - the Image to be placed to the clipboard
      IllegalStateException - if the clipboard is currently unavailable, and running on the current thread.
    • putMoleculeToClipboard

      public static void putMoleculeToClipboard(Molecule mol, Properties props)
      Places a Molecule object to the clipboard which is represented as a Transferable being configured to support all the default Transfer types of Marvin. When processing on a background thread, this method will continuously try to put the String to the clipboard until the operation has succeeded.
      mol - the Molecule to be placed to the clipboard
      props - display properties of the Molecule, this parameter will be used when transferring Molecule images to clipboard, and can be one of, or the union of properties stored in UserSettings, and in the result of MDocument.getGUIPropertyContainer()
      IllegalStateException - if the clipboard is currently unavailable, and running on the current thread.
      See Also:
    • putMoleculeToClipboard

      public static void putMoleculeToClipboard(Molecule mol, Properties props, String fmt)
      Places a Molecule object to the clipboard which is represented as a Transferable configured to support the transfer types of the specified format identifier. When processing on a background thread, this method will continuously try to put the String to the clipboard until the operation has succeeded.
      mol - the Molecule to be placed to the clipboard
      props - display properties of the Molecule, this parameter is useful when transferring Molecule images to clipboard, and can be one of, or the union of properties stored in UserSettings, and in the result of MDocument.getGUIPropertyContainer()
      fmt - format identifier in which the data will be represented on the clipboard. It can be null in which case the Molecule will be transferred in the default formats.
      IllegalStateException - if the clipboard is currently unavailable, and running on the current thread.
      See Also:
    • putOLEToClipboard

      public static void putOLEToClipboard(Molecule mol, Properties props)
    • putTransferableToClipboard

      public static void putTransferableToClipboard(Transferable t)
      A generic way to put content to clipboard.
    • convert

      public static boolean convert(chemaxon.marvin.modules.datatransfer.TransferDataImporter converter)
      Convert transfer data available on clipboard in one of the requested flavors. Converter defines what flavors it supports, steps through that list and tries to find one that is available on the clipboard.
    • removeOLESupport

      public static void removeOLESupport()
      Removing the support of OLE transfer format.
    • getStringFromClipboard

      public static String getStringFromClipboard()
      Returns the String data from the clipboard contents, if the clipboard contains a Transferable that provides support to DataFlavor.stringFlavor
      the String from the clipboard.
    • getObjectFromClipboard

      public static Object getObjectFromClipboard() throws IOException
      Returns the current content of the clipboard if the data can be imported in any of data formats supported by MolImporter. If the clipboard represents a Molecule, the returned object will be an instance of Molecule, if the clipboard represents a MacroMolecule used by MarvinSpace, then the returned object will be an instance of MacroMolecule, otherwise the function returns null.
      the molecule represented on the clipboard, null if molecule representation cannot be found
    • getObjectFromClipboard

      public static Object getObjectFromClipboard(String imageImportServiceURL) throws IOException
      Returns the current content of the clipboard if the data can be imported in any of data formats supported by MolImporter. If the clipboard represents a Molecule, the returned object will be an instance of Molecule, if the clipboard represents a MacroMolecule used by MarvinSpace, then the returned object will be an instance of MacroMolecule, otherwise the function returns null.
      imageImportServiceURL - if it points to a working http based image import service url the importer will use that service when importing images from clipboard.
      the molecule represented on the clipboard, null if molecule representation cannot be found
    • getClipboardContents

      public static Transferable getClipboardContents()
      Inits and return the transferable of the Clipboard for later import.
      the contents of the clipboard as a Transferable object.
    • getObjectFromTransferable

      public static Object getObjectFromTransferable(Transferable transfer) throws IOException
      Returns the content of Transferable if the data can be imported in any of data formats supported by MolImporter. If the clipboard represents a Molecule, the returned object will be an instanceof Molecule, if the clipboard represents a MacroMolecule used by MarvinSpace, then the returned object will be an instanceof MacroMolecule, otherwise the function returns null.
      transfer - the Transferable which represents the data
      the molecule represented in the Transferable, null if molecule representation cannot be found
    • getObjectFromTransferable

      public static Object getObjectFromTransferable(Transferable transfer, String imageImportServiceURL) throws IOException
      Returns the content of Transferable if the data can be imported in any of data formats supported by MolImporter. If the clipboard represents a Molecule, the returned object will be an instanceof Molecule, if the clipboard represents a MacroMolecule used by MarvinSpace, then the returned object will be an instanceof MacroMolecule, otherwise the function returns null.
      transfer - the Transferable which represents the data
      imageImportServiceURL - if it points to a working http based image import service url the importer will use that service when importing images from clipboard.
      the molecule represented in the Transferable, null if molecule representation cannot be found
    • getTransferableFor

      public static Transferable getTransferableFor(Molecule mol, Properties props)
      Creates a MTransferable object to the given Molecule with the given properties.
      mol - the Molecule which has to be represented by the Transferable
      props - display properties of the Molecule, this parameter will be used when transferring Molecule images to clipboard, and can be one of, or the union of properties stored in UserSettings, and in the result of MDocument.getGUIPropertyContainer()
      the Transferable created from the given data.
      See Also:
    • getTransferableFor

      public static Transferable getTransferableFor(Molecule mol, Properties props, String fmt)
      Creates a MTransferable to the given Molecule with the given properties in the given format.
      mol - the Molecule which has to be represented by the Transferable
      props - display properties of the Molecule, this parameter will be used when transferring Molecule images to clipboard, and can be one of, or the union of properties stored in UserSettings, and in the result of MDocument.getGUIPropertyContainer()
      fmt - format identifier in which the data will be represented on the clipboard. It can be null in which case the Molecule will be transferred in the default formats. If null is given, the default will be used.
      the Transferable created from the given data.
      See Also:
    • isSupportedTransferFormat

      public static boolean isSupportedTransferFormat(String fmtId)
      Checks whether the given format is available in the current environment or not.
      fmtId - the format identifier
      true if the format is available
    • getCopyAsTransferableNames

      public static List<String> getCopyAsTransferableNames()
      Returns the format's names that are available in the current environment as transfer types for the Copy As dialog.
      List list of the the copy as dialog format's names
    • clearClipboard

      public static void clearClipboard()
      Clears the clipboard by creating an empty Transferable and placing it on the clipboard.
    • clearClipboardConditionally

      public static void clearClipboardConditionally()
      Clears the clipboard, if isClearClipboardBeforeExport() is true.
    • getClipboard

      public static Clipboard getClipboard()
      Returns the default Toolkit's system clipboard if available, otherwise returns a new singleton clipboard instance.
      the system clipboard or a local clipboard instance.
      See Also:
    • removeTransferable

      public static TransferableDescriptor removeTransferable(TransferableDescriptor d)
      Removes a TransferableDescriptor to the MTransferable Registry.
      d - the descriptor.
      the descriptor which has been removed.
    • removeTransferable

      public static TransferableDescriptor removeTransferable(String name)
      Removes a TransferableDescriptor to the MTransferable Registry by name.
      name - the name of the MTransferable
      the descriptor which has been removed.
    • addTransferable

      public static void addTransferable(TransferableDescriptor d)
      Add a TransferableDescriptor to the MTransferable Registry.
      d - the descriptor.
    • addTransferable

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) @SubjectToRemoval(date=JUL_01_2025) public static void addTransferable(String name, String className, Integer priority, Integer inputPriority, boolean isdefault, boolean copyAsTransferable)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Add a TransferableDescriptor to the registry, and constructing it by the given parameters.
    • addTransferable

      public static void addTransferable(String name, String className, Integer priority, Integer inputPriority, boolean isdefault, boolean copyAsTransferable, boolean dndTransferable)
      Add a TransferableDescriptor to the registry, and constructing it by the given parameters.
      name - of the MTransferable represented by the descriptor.
      className - The representing class name of the MTransferable represented by the descriptor.
      priority - priority on the Copy as dialog of the MTransferable represented by the descriptor.
      inputPriority - priority used when importing with the help of the MTransferable represented by the descriptor.
      isdefault - decides whether the MTransferable should be used in default copy.
      copyAsTransferable - decides whether the MTrasnferable should be displayed in the copy as dialog.
      dndTransferable - flag to indicate whether the transferable is used when importing data from a dropped object
    • releasePermanentResources

      public static void releasePermanentResources()
      Releases all clipboard related native libraries and resources. Waits background workers to finish before releasing.
    • startPermanentResources

      public static void startPermanentResources()
      Starts all the permanent native resources that have to be started to do fast and reliable copy in Marvin.