Interface TaggedCalculatorInputChecker

All Known Subinterfaces:

@PublicApi public interface TaggedCalculatorInputChecker
Instances of this interface are used by calculators to check if they can process an input molecule. Calculators can use multiple checkers, which validate different properties of the input.

This interface is the more general variant of CalculatorInputChecker that also takes into consideration the tags reported by the calculator.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    apply(TaggedCalculator calculator, Molecule molecule)
    Checks the given molecule and returns the found errors, or an empty list if the molecule is valid.
  • Method Details

    • apply

      List<CalculatorError> apply(TaggedCalculator calculator, Molecule molecule)
      Checks the given molecule and returns the found errors, or an empty list if the molecule is valid.

      Apart from the molecule that should be checked, this method also receives the calculator instance.

      calculator - the calculator instance
      molecule - the input molecule
      a list of found errors, typically empty or containing a single element