Class BondLengthCheckerResult

All Implemented Interfaces:

@PublicApi public class BondLengthCheckerResult extends DefaultStructureCheckerResult
Bond angle checker result. Contains information to identify, visualize, and fix bond angle errors in 2D structures.
Marvin 6.4
  • Constructor Details

    • BondLengthCheckerResult

      public BondLengthCheckerResult(StructureChecker source, List<MolAtom> atoms, List<MolBond> bonds, Molecule molecule, chemaxon.calculations.clean.fixers.MoleculeCheckerFixer.WrongLengthBonds wrongLengthBonds, String description, String name, String localMenuName, String helpText, Icon icon)
      Constructor which initialize all the properties. errorType property is StructureCheckerErrorType.EXPLICIT_H by default.
      source - is the StructureChecker instance which identified the problem
      atoms - a List of MolAtom which contains the affected atoms of the problem
      bonds - a List of MolBond which contains the affected bonds of the problem
      molecule - is a Molecule instance which contains the described problem
      description - is short information about the problem
      wrongLengthBonds - the internal representation of bond length checker result
      name - is the name of the checker which found the described problem
      localMenuName - is a String which should be shown in the local menu of Marvin Sketch
      helpText - is help message for the problem
      icon - is an instance of Icon which will be shown in Marvin Sketch checker dialogs
  • Method Details

    • getWrongLengthBonds

      public chemaxon.calculations.clean.fixers.MoleculeCheckerFixer.WrongLengthBonds getWrongLengthBonds()
      Returns the internal representation of the bond length checker result, which contains all information required to fix bond length errors.

      For internal use only.

      the internal representation of the bond length checker result
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class DefaultStructureCheckerResult
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class DefaultStructureCheckerResult