Interface ICardLayout

@PublicApi public interface ICardLayout
Specific settings for arrangement of structures and properties, which is like the one structure per page when the structure is placed separate from the property table. When using CardLayout the section might contain more structures and their properties in a regular arrangement. It should look like cards on the table. Some predefined layouts are supported as 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2 ... It will be extended in the future versions in the layout property (enum).

  • Method Details

    • getLayout

      Get predefined card layout arrangements.
    • setLayout

      void setLayout(CardLayoutArrangement layout)
      Set predefined card layout arrangement settings.
    • getHeaderVisible

      boolean getHeaderVisible()
      Get visibility status of property table header.
      : true/false
    • setHeaderVisible

      void setHeaderVisible(boolean visible)
      Set visibility status of property table header.
    • getApplyCardLayout

      boolean getApplyCardLayout()
      Get flag if the structure should be in a table layout.
      : true => card layout, false => if the layout is a classical table layout
    • setApplyCardLayout

      void setApplyCardLayout(boolean doOrNot)
      Set flag for the structures arrangement
      inTable - : true => card layout, false => if the layout is a classical table layout
    • getTablePosition

      PropertyTablePosition getTablePosition()
      Retrieve the property position of the card layout.
      : table position
    • setTablePosition

      void setTablePosition(PropertyTablePosition tablePosition)
      Set new table position of the card layout of the document.
    • getStructurePercentageOnCard

      double getStructurePercentageOnCard()
      Determines the ratio of the structure and the property table on the card 50% means that the card is divided to 50-50 for structure and table
      percentage value of the structure representation on the card
    • setStructurePercentageOnCard

      void setStructurePercentageOnCard(double percentage) throws InvalidAttributeValueException
      Determines the ratio of the structure and the property table on the card 50% means that the card is divided to 50-50 for structure and table
      percentage - the given new percentage value
    • setShrinkTableWithStructure

      void setShrinkTableWithStructure(boolean beShrinked)
      Determines if the property table is srhinked with structure part even if there is space given between them
      beShrinked - - True if there should not be space but the margin
    • getShrinkTableWithStructure

      boolean getShrinkTableWithStructure()
      Determines if the property table is shrinked with structure even if there is space given between them
      True of there is no room but the margin