Interface IGenericOptions

All Known Subinterfaces:
IConversionOptions, ISettings, ITemplateWriterOptions
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConversionOptions, GenericOptions, ReportSettings, TemplateWriterOptions

@PublicApi public interface IGenericOptions
IGenericOption interface gives read/write information about generic quality related options. These options are mostly used in all types of Document Writers and Converters.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The default value of the DPI factor is 4.00.
    setDPIFactor(double value)
    DPIfactor is a number that multiplies the DPI that is used for the generation of the structure image inserted into your Office document.
  • Method Details

    • setDPIFactor

      void setDPIFactor(double value)
      DPIfactor is a number that multiplies the DPI that is used for the generation of the structure image inserted into your Office document. E.g, if it is 2, then the image will be created on a DPI which is double of the current DPI used by java, and therefore its resolution will be better. So if you request a 100x100 image, and specify a DPIfactor=2, then the image will practically be created on a DPI which has the same resolution as a 200x200 image. It can also be used with the Scale parameter, so if you create an image with Scale=12, and specify a DPIfactor=4, then the resolution of the image will be the same as if you created it with Scale=48. Certainly, the dimensions or Scale of the image will be the one you specified, only the resolution changes. The default value of the DPI factor is 4.00. In case of EMF image type the factor only slightly affects the file size of the image, but in case of bitmap types you might want to decrease the DPIfactor if you insert images with larger dimension anyway (to decrease the file size of the document at the end).
      New - value of the DPI factor.
    • getDPIFactor

      double getDPIFactor()
      The default value of the DPI factor is 4.00. In case of EMF image type the factor only slightly affects the file size of the image, but in case of bitmap types you might want to decrease the DPIfactor if you insert images with larger dimension anyway (to decrease the file size of the document at the end).
      Value of the DPIFactor.