Class pKaPlugin

All Implemented Interfaces:
TaggedCalculator, chemaxon.license.Licensable

@PublicApi public class pKaPlugin extends CalculatorPlugin
Plugin class for macro/micro pKa calculation.

API usage example:

    // instantiate plugin
    pKaPlugin plugin = new pKaPlugin();

    // set parameters
    plugin.setpHLower(3.0); // for ms distr
    plugin.setpHUpper(6.0); // for ms distr
    plugin.setpHStep(1.0);  // for ms distr

    MolImporter importer = new MolImporter("mols.sdf");
    Molecule mol = null;
    while ((mol = != null) {
        // set molecule and run calculation

        // get the 3 strongest ACIDIC pKa values
        double[] acidicpKa = new double[3];
        int[] acidicIndexes = new int[3];
        plugin.getMacropKaValues(pKaPlugin.ACIDIC, acidicpKa, acidicIndexes);

        // get the 3 strongest BASIC pKa values
        double[] basicpKa = new double[3];
        int[] basicIndexes = new int[3];
        plugin.getMacropKaValues(pKaPlugin.BASIC, basicpKa, basicIndexes);

        // get pKa values for each atom
        int count = mol.getAtomCount();
        for (int i=0; i invalid input: '<' count; ++i) {
            // get ACIDIC and BASIC pKa values
            double apka = plugin.getpKa(i, pKaPlugin.ACIDIC);
            double bpka = plugin.getpKa(i, pKaPlugin.BASIC);

        // get microspecies distributions
        double[] pHs = plugin.getpHs(); // pH values
        int mscount = plugin.getMsCount();
        for (int i=0; i invalid input: '<' mscount; ++i) {
            Molecule ms = plugin.getMsMolecule(i);
            double[] distr = plugin.getMsDistribution(i); // distr values for pHs

Another example showing microspecies distributions at a single pH value:

    // instantiate plugin
    pKaPlugin plugin = new pKaPlugin();

    // set pH

    MolImporter importer = new MolImporter("mols.sdf");
    Molecule mol = null;
    while ((mol = != null) {
        // set molecule and run calculation

        // get microspecies data (molecule and distribution)
        int count = plugin.getMsCount();
        for (int i=0; i invalid input: '<' count; ++i) {
            Molecule ms = plugin.getMsMolecule(i);
            double distr = plugin.getSingleMsDistribution(i);

Another example showing macro pKa calculation:

    // instantiate plugin
    pKaPlugin plugin = new pKaPlugin();

    MolImporter importer = new MolImporter("mols.sdf");
    Molecule mol = null;
    while ((mol = != null) {
        // set molecule and run calculation

        // get the acidic and basic macro pKa values
        double[] acidicpKaValues = plugin.getMacropKaValues(pKaPlugin.ACIDIC);
        double[] basicpKaValues = plugin.getMacropKaValues(pKaPlugin.BASIC);

For concurrent plugin example applications using ChemAxon's concurrent framework, refer to the Concurrent plugin examples.

Marvin 3.0
  • Field Details

    • ACIDIC

      public static final int ACIDIC
      Constant denoting acidic pKa.
      See Also:
    • BASIC

      public static final int BASIC
      Constant denoting basic pKa.
      See Also:

      public static final String TYPE_DISTR
      Type constant for microspecies distribution.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATICpKaPREFIX
      pKa's prefix (acidic/basic) does not depend on the submitted micro state (default)
      See Also:

      public static final int DYNAMICpKaPREFIX
      pKa's prefix (acidic/basic) does depend on the submitted micro state
      See Also:

      public static final int DEF_MAXIONS
      The default value of the number of ionizable atoms to consider.
      See Also:

      public static final double DEF_TEMPERATURE
      The default temperature in Kelvins.
      See Also:

      public static final int MODEL_SMALL
      Calculation model: small (precise up to the specified number of ionizable atoms).
      See Also:

      public static final int MODEL_LARGE
      Calculation model: large (always precise, can take more time).
      See Also:

      public static final double DEF_IONICSTRENGTH
      The default ionic strength of the pKa calculation models (small and large). Alternative ionic strength can be specified optionally. Please note that the thermodynamic pKa value can be calculated with adjusting of zero ionic strength.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • pKaPlugin

      public pKaPlugin()
      Constructor. Creates the macro pKa calculator object.
  • Method Details

    • getProductName

      public String getProductName()
      Returns the product identifier of the plugin as given by LicenseManager.
      Specified by:
      getProductName in class CalculatorPlugin
      The identifier LicenseManager.PROTONATION_PLUGIN_GROUP
    • setProgressMonitor

      public void setProgressMonitor(MProgressMonitor pmon)
      Sets a progress observer to be used in run() to display progress status. Short calculations may ignore the observer object. The default implementation does nothing.
      setProgressMonitor in class CalculatorPlugin
      pmon - is the progress monitor, may be null
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters(Properties params) throws PluginException
      Sets the input parameters for the plugin. pKa parameters and value ranges:
      • type: pKa,acidic,basic (pKa is either the basic or the acidic pKa)
      • precision: 0-8 or inf (default: 2) (number of displayed fractional digits, inf for unrounded value)
      • mode: macro or micro (default: macro)
      • prefix: static or dynamic acid/base prefix (default: static)
      • min: the minimal basic micro pKa threshold
      • max: the maximal acidic micro pKa threshold
      • temperature: temperature (in Kelvin, default: 298)
      • ions: maximum number of ionizable atoms (default: 8)
      • calcAlways: true if calculation to be performed even if the maximum number of ionizable atoms is exceeded (deprecated, see 'model' below)
      • model: "small" or "large" (replaces 'calcAlways')
        • small: precise up to the number of ionizable atoms given in 'ions' (8 by default), equivalent to calcAlways=false (cxcalc and API default)
        • large: always precise but can take more time, equivalent to calcAlways=true (GUI default)
      If mode is "macro" then we have additional parameters for microspecies distribution:
      • mscalc: true if microspecies distribution to be shown, false otherwise (default: false)
      • lower: pH lower limit (default: 0.0)
      • upper: pH upper limit (default: 14.0)
      • step: pH step to be taken between lower and upper limits (default: 0.2)
      • majortautomer: true or false (take major tautomeric form)
      setParameters in class CalculatorPlugin
      params - is the parameter table
      PluginException - on error
    • setChemicalTermsArgument

      @Deprecated protected void setChemicalTermsArgument(String arg) throws PluginException
      For internal use only.
      Sets the argument string as specified in Chemical Terms expressions.
      setChemicalTermsArgument in class CalculatorPlugin
      arg - is the strength order index ("1" means the strongest value, "2" means the second strongest value, etc.)
      PluginException - on error
    • useCorrectionLibrary

      @Deprecated public void useCorrectionLibrary(boolean use)
      Sets the usage of the correction library. (default: false)
      use - if true, then the calculation will use the correction library
      Marvin 5.2
    • setCorrectionLibrary

      public void setCorrectionLibrary(String correctionLibraryId)
      Sets the correction library.
      correctionLibraryId - is the correction library identifier
      Marvin 5.4
    • setCorrectionData

      public void setCorrectionData(PKaTrainingResult trainingResult)
      Sets correction data for calculation
      trainingResult - correction data
    • setCorrectionLibraryPath

      public void setCorrectionLibraryPath(String correctionLibraryPath)
      Sets the correction library file directly.
      Marvin 6.0
    • getCorrectionLibraryIds

      public static String[] getCorrectionLibraryIds()
      Returns the id's of available pKa correction libraries.
      the id's of available pKa correction libraries
      Marvin 5.4
    • setMicropKaCalc

      public void setMicropKaCalc(boolean micro)
      Sets micro pKa calculation. Default: false (macro pKa calculation).
      micro - is true if micro pKa calculation is required.
      Marvin 4.1
    • setCalcAlways

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) @SubjectToRemoval(date=JUL_01_2025) public void setCalcAlways(boolean calcAlways)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      replaced by setModel(int)
      Sets whether to perform calculation if the maximum number of ionizable atoms is exceeded. If set to true, pKa values are calculated with a different, more time-consuming method in this case. Note, that microspecies are not determined in this case. Default: false.
      calcAlways - is true if calculation should be performed if the maximum number of ionizable atoms is exceeded
      See Also:
    • setModel

      public void setModel(int model)
      Sets the calculation model.
      model - is the calculation model:
      • MODEL_SMALL: optimized for a small number of ionizable atoms (default)
      • MODEL_LARGE: optimized for a large number of ionizable atoms
      Marvin 4.0
      See Also:
    • setMaxIons

      public void setMaxIons(int n)
      In case of MODEL_SMALL model, it sets the maximum number of ionizable atoms to be considered and uses simple calculation method to compute pKa values. In case of MODEL_LARGE model, it switches the simple calculation method to a more complicated one when the number of ionizable atoms exceeds this limit. The default value is 8.
      n - is the maximum number of ionizable atoms to be considered
      See Also:
    • setBasicpKaLowerLimit

      public void setBasicpKaLowerLimit(double minB)
      Sets the minimum basic pKa (default: -10).
      minB - is the minimum basic pKa
    • setAcidicpKaUpperLimit

      public void setAcidicpKaUpperLimit(double maxA)
      Sets the maximum acidic pKa (default: 20).
      maxA - is the maximum acidic pKa
    • setTemperature

      public void setTemperature(double temperature)
      Sets the temperature (default: 298 Kelvin).
      temperature - is the temperature (Kelvin)
      Marvin 3.5.1
    • setpHLower

      public void setpHLower(double lower)
      Sets pH lower limit for the calculation of microspecies distributions. Also activates the calculation of microspecies distributions. The default value is 0.0.
      lower - is the pH lower limit
    • setpHUpper

      public void setpHUpper(double upper)
      Sets pH upper limit for the calculation of microspecies distributions. Also activates the calculation of microspecies distributions. The default value is 14.0.
      upper - is the pH upper limit
    • setpHStep

      public void setpHStep(double step)
      Sets pH step for the calculation of microspecies distributions. Also activates the calculation of microspecies distributions. The default value is 1.0.
      step - is the pH step
    • setpH

      public void setpH(double pH)
      Sets the pH value for the calculation of microspecies distributions. This method activates the calculation of microspecies distributions at a single pH value.
      pH - is the pH value
    • setMsCalc

      public void setMsCalc(boolean mscalc)
      Sets calculation of microspecies distributions. By default, microsepcies distributions are computed in the [0.0, 14.0] pH interval with pH step size 1.0.
      mscalc - is true if calculation of microspecies distributions is required
      See Also:
    • isMsCalc

      public boolean isMsCalc()
      Returns true if microspecies calculation.
      isMsCalc in class CalculatorPlugin
      true if microspecies calculation
    • setpKaPrefixType

      public void setpKaPrefixType(int pKaPtype)
      Sets pKa prefix type (default: STATICpKaPREFIX)
      • STATIC pKa prefix: pKa's prefix does not depend on the submitted micro state
      • DYNAMIC pKa prefix: pKa's prefix does depend on the submitted micro state
      pKaPtype - may have two values: STATICpKaPREFIX or DYNAMICpKaPREFIX
      Marvin 4.1.3
    • getpKaPrefixType

      public int getpKaPrefixType()
      Returns the pKa prefix type.
      the pKa prefix type
      Marvin 4.1.3
    • setConsiderTautomerization

      public void setConsiderTautomerization(boolean considerTautomerization)
      Sets to consider tautomerization. Default: false.
      considerTautomerization - the calculation will consider tautomerization and resonance if set (true)
      Marvin 5.4
    • setTakeFullTautomerizationSpectrum

      public void setTakeFullTautomerizationSpectrum(boolean takeFullTauSpectrum)
      Sets to consider the full tautomer distribution upon the macro pka calculation. Default: false.
      takeFullTauSpectrum - the calculation will consider all meaningful tautomer structure if set (true)
      Marvin 22.22
    • setTakeMajorTatomericForm

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) @SubjectToRemoval(date=JUL_01_2025) public void setTakeMajorTatomericForm(boolean takeMajorTautomericForm)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Sets to use major tautomeric form in calculation. Default: false.
      takeMajorTautomericForm - the calculation will be performed on the major tutomeric form of the input molecule if set (true)
      Marvin 5.0
    • createModifiedInputMolecule

      protected final Molecule createModifiedInputMolecule(Molecule mol) throws PluginException
      Returns the canonical tautomeric form of the molecule.
      createModifiedInputMolecule in class CalculatorPlugin
      mol - is the input molecule
      the canonical tautomeric form of the molecule
      PluginException - on error
      Marvin 5.0
    • checkMolecule

      public void checkMolecule(Molecule mol) throws PluginException
      Checks the input molecule. Throws exception if the molecule molecule contains R-groups.
      checkMolecule in class CalculatorPlugin
      mol - is the input molecule
      PluginException - with error message for the user if the molecule is refused
    • setInputMolecule

      protected void setInputMolecule(Molecule mol) throws PluginException
      Sets the input molecule.
      Specified by:
      setInputMolecule in class CalculatorPlugin
      mol - is the input molecule
      PluginException - on error
    • run

      public boolean run() throws PluginException
      Runs the macro pKa calculation.
      Specified by:
      run in class CalculatorPlugin
      true if the calculation was successful, false if the number of ionizable atoms exceeds the specified limit
      PluginException - on error
      See Also:
    • getMsCount

      public int getMsCount()
      Returns the number of microspecies and/or distributions. Calculated only if macro pKa is computed and the "mscalc" parameter is set to "true".
      NOTE that no microspecies are calculated when MODEL_LARGE is used. Use isOverflowCalculation() to check the used model.
      the number of microspecies and/or distributions.
    • getMacroSpeciesCount

      public int getMacroSpeciesCount()
      Returns the number of macrospecies count. Calculated only if macro pKa is computed.
      NOTE that no microspecies are calculated when MODEL_LARGE is used. Use isOverflowCalculation() to check the used model.
      the number of macrospecies count.
    • getMsMolecule

      public Molecule getMsMolecule(int msIndex)
      Returns the microspecies molecule. Calculated only if macro pKa is computed and the "mscalc" parameter is set to "true".
      Microspecies are calculated only when MODEL_SMALL is used. Use isOverflowCalculation() to check the used model.
      msIndex - is the microspecies index
      the microspecies molecule
    • getSingleMsDistribution

      public double getSingleMsDistribution(int msIndex)
      Returns the microspecies distribution at the specified pH value set in setpH(double).
      msIndex - is the microspecies index
      the microspecies distribution at the previously given pH
    • getpHs

      public double[] getpHs()
      Returns the pH array.
      the pH array
    • getMsDistribution

      public double[] getMsDistribution(int msIndex)
      Returns the microspecies distribution array.
      msIndex - is the microspecies index
      the microspecies distribution array
    • getMsDistributions

      public double[][] getMsDistributions()
      Returns the microspecies distribution arrays for all microspecies: the i-th element is the disrtibution array of the i-th microspecies.
      the microspecies distribution arrays
    • getMacroDistributions

      public double[][] getMacroDistributions()
      Returns the macrospecies distribution arrays for all macro pKa values: the i-th row is the disrtibution vector of the i-th ionization state as function of the pH.
      the macrospecies distribution arrays
    • getMacroDistributions

      public double[] getMacroDistributions(int macroIndex)
      Returns the i-th macrospecies distribution as function of the pH
      the i-th macrospecies distribution
    • getpKa

      public double getpKa(int index)
      Returns the most significant pKa value for the given atom index. Use this to get the pKa if STATICpKaPREFIX prefix type is set. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run().
      index - is the atom index
      the pKa value, or Double.NaN if there is no pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type
      Marvin 3.6
      See Also:
    • getpKaMixed

      public double getpKaMixed(int index)
      Returns the so called mixed ionization constant
      index - is the atom index
      the pKa,mix. value, or Double.NaN if there is no pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type
    • getpKaConc

      public double getpKaConc(int index)
      Returns the so called concentration ionization constant.
      index - is the atom index
      the pKa,mix. value, or Double.NaN if there is no pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type
    • getpKa

      @Deprecated public double getpKa(int index, int type)
      Returns the pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run().
      index - is the atom index
      type - is the pka type: ACIDIC or BASIC
      the pKa value, or Double.NaN if there is no pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type
      See Also:
    • getpKaValues

      public double[] getpKaValues(int index, int type)
      Returns the pKa values for the given atom index and pKa type. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run().
      index - is the atom index
      type - is the pka type: ACIDIC or BASIC
      the pKa values, or null if there is no pKa value for the given atom index and pKa type
      Marvin 4.1.3
      See Also:
    • getpKaType

      public int getpKaType(int index)
      Returns the pKa type: ACIDIC, BASIC or 0 if there is no pKa value for the given atom.
      index - is the atom index
      the pKa type: ACIDIC, BASIC or 0.
      Marvin 3.6
    • getMacroSpeciesCharge

      public int getMacroSpeciesCharge(int msIndex)
      Returns the formal charges of a given macrospecies. Valid only in case of overflow calculation.
      msIndex - is the macrospecies index
      the formal charges of a given macrospecies
      See Also:
    • isOverflowCalculation

      public boolean isOverflowCalculation()
      Returns true if overflow calculation: maximum number of ionizable atoms exceeded and protein ionization invoked.
      true if overflow calculation
    • getErrorMessage

      public String getErrorMessage()
      Returns the calculation error information message if run() returned false (calculation error): the number of ionizable atoms exceeds the specified limit (given in the "ions" parameter) or hydrogen valence error.
      getErrorMessage in class CalculatorPlugin
      the calculation error information message
    • getWarningMessage

      public String getWarningMessage()
      Returns the calculation warning information message.
      getWarningMessage in class CalculatorPlugin
      the calculation warning information message
    • getResultTypes

      public Object[] getResultTypes()
      Returns the result types (possible types: pKa, acidic, basic, msdistr).
      getResultTypes in class CalculatorPlugin
      the result types
    • getResultDomain

      public int getResultDomain(Object type)
      Returns the calculation domain CalculatorPlugin.ATOM or CalculatorPlugin.MOLECULE. pKa always returns CalculatorPlugin.ATOM.
      getResultDomain in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      See Also:
    • getResultCount

      public int getResultCount(Object type)
      Returns the number of result items for the given result key. pKa returns the atom count.
      getResultCount in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      the number of result items
      See Also:
    • getResult

      public Object getResult(Object type, int index) throws PluginException
      Returns the result item for the specified key and index. If the type is "msdistr" then returns the pH - distribution table as a double[][] with the 0-th element the pH array and the 1-st element the distribution array corresponding to the microspecies with the specified index (result index). Otherwise pKa returns the required pKa value as a Double object for the given atom index (result index). Returns Double.NaN if the atom with the given index does not have a valid macro pKa value for the specified result type.
      getResult in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      the result item for the specified key and index
      PluginException - if the result cannot be returned
      See Also:
    • getResult

      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Some implementations of this method modify the state of the plugin, which is a very confusing behavior, so the method is now deprecated and should no longer be used. If you used this method with an index argument, parse the index instead, and call getResult(Object, int). Otherwise, call the appropriate setter method of the plugin to configure it with the argument, and call getResult(Object, int) with a 0 index.
      Returns the result item for the specified type ("acidic" or "basic") and the specified strength index ("1" means the strongest value, "2" means the second strongest value, etc.) given in the argument string. Returns Double.NaN for non-existent values (e.g. when the type is "acidic" and the arg string is "2" but there is only one acidic pKa value for the input molecule).
      getResult in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type ("acidic" or "basic")
      arg - is the strength order index
      the result item for the specified type and strength index
      PluginException - if the result cannot be returned
      See Also:
    • getSortedValues

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) @SubjectToRemoval(date=JUL_01_2025) public void getSortedValues(int pkatype, double[] values, int[] indexes) throws PluginException
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Calculates the least acidic pKa values in ascending order or the biggest basic pKa values in descending order. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run(). The length of the result value array determines the number of pKa values to be computed. If the index array is non-null then it is assumed to have the same length as the value array and will be filled with the corresponding atom indices (0-based).
      pkatype - is the pKa type (ACIDIC or BASIC)
      values - is the pKa value array to be filled with pKa values in descending strength order (increasing for acidic pKa, descending for basic pKa values), the last entries are set to Double.NaN if there are less pKa values than the array length
      indexes - is the corresponding atom index array to be filled (may be null), the index is set to -1 for non-existent values (Double.NaN)
      PluginException - if an error occurs during the calculation
    • getMacropKaValues

      public void getMacropKaValues(int pkatype, double[] values, int[] indexes) throws PluginException
      Calculates the least acidic pKa values in ascending order or the biggest basic pKa values in descending order. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run(). The length of the result value array determines the number of pKa values to be computed. If the index array is non-null then it is assumed to have the same length as the value array and will be filled with the corresponding atom indices (0-based).
      pkatype - is the pKa type (ACIDIC or BASIC)
      values - is the pKa value array to be filled with pKa values in descending strength order (increasing for acidic pKa, descending for basic pKa values), the last entries are set to Double.NaN if there are less pKa values than the array length
      indexes - is the corresponding atom index array to be filled (may be null), the index is set to -1 for non-existent values (Double.NaN)
      PluginException - if an error occurs during the calculation
      Marvin 5.0.7
    • getMacropKaValues

      public double[] getMacropKaValues(int pkatype) throws PluginException
      Calculates the acidic pKa values in ascending order or the basic pKa values in descending order. The pKa calculation has to be run beforehand by calling run().
      pkatype - is the pKa type (ACIDIC or BASIC)
      the pKa value array with pKa values in descending strength order (increasing for acidic pKa, descending for basic pKa values) or null if there are no ionizable atoms in the molecule
      PluginException - if an error occurs during the calculation
      Marvin 5.0.7
    • getResultAsString

      public String getResultAsString(Object type, int index, Object result) throws PluginException
      Returns the specified result in String format. If the type is "msdistr" then returns the pH - distribution table as a 2-column tab-separated table with the 0-th element the pH array and the 1-st element the distribution array corresponding to the microspecies with the specified index (result index). Otherwise pKa returns the rounded pKa value in string format: the value is rounded using the 'precision' input parameter that determines the number of fractional digits displayed. If the result is Double.NaN then returns the empty string.
      getResultAsString in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      result - is the result item
      the specified result in String format
      PluginException - if an invalid result item is given
    • getResultsAsString

      public String getResultsAsString(Object type, int index, Object result) throws PluginException
      Returns the specified result with possible subresults (both pKa values instead of the most significant pKa) in String format.
      getResultsAsString in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      result - is the result item
      the specified result in String format
      PluginException - if an invalid result item is given
    • getResultAsRGB

      public int getResultAsRGB(Object type, int index, Object result) throws PluginException
      Returns the specified result color as int format (alphainvalid input: '<'invalid input: '<'24 + redinvalid input: '<'invalid input: '<'16 + greeninvalid input: '<'invalid input: '<'8 + blue): RED for acidic pKa, BLUE for basic pKa.
      getResultAsRGB in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      result - is the result item
      the specified result in color as int format
      PluginException - if an invalid result item is given
    • getResultsAsRGB

      public long getResultsAsRGB(Object type, int index, Object result) throws PluginException
      Returns the specified result color(s) as int format (alpha<<24 + red<<16 + green<<8 + blue). (e.g. both pKa colors instead of the most significant pKa color) as long (lower and upper bits).
      getResultsAsRGB in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      result - is the result item
      the specified result in color as int
      PluginException - if an invalid result item is given
    • isNegligibleResult

      public boolean isNegligibleResult(Object type, int index, Object result) throws PluginException
      Returns whether the result can be ignored. Returns true for microspecies distributions below CalculatorPlugin.EPSILON. Returns false for all other results.
      isNegligibleResult in class CalculatorPlugin
      type - is the result type
      index - is the result index
      result - is the result object
      true for microspecies distributions below CalculatorPlugin.EPSILON
    • isNegligible

      public boolean isNegligible(double[] distr)
    • getResultMolecule

      public Molecule getResultMolecule() throws PluginException
      Returns the result molecule for display. Atomic results are stored in atom extra labels (MolAtom.getExtraLabel()). Molecular results are stored in molecule properties with keys being the result types (MPropHandler.convertToString(MPropertyContainer, String)).
      getResultMolecule in class CalculatorPlugin
      the result molecule
      PluginException - on error
      Marvin 4.0
    • standardize

      public void standardize(Molecule mol)
      Standardizes the molecule. This is done by performing the transformations necessary to run the plugin (e.g. aromatize, dehydrogenize, bring nitro groups to common form). Apart from the default standardization (aromatize and nitro) removes explicit hydrogens and stores the index-map between atom indices in the original and the new molecule. This map is used when the macropKa values and types are queried and the new atom indices should be mapped to the original ones. TODO: replace by call to chemaxon.standardizer.Standardizer
      standardize in class CalculatorPlugin
      mol - is the molecule to be standardized
    • setKeepExplicitHydrogens

      public void setKeepExplicitHydrogens(boolean keepExplicitHydrogens)
      Sets if result molecule keeps explicit hydrogens or not
      keepExplicitHydrogens - if the result should keep explicit hydrogens or not
    • getShowLogPercentage

      public boolean getShowLogPercentage()
    • getLogPercentageLimit

      public double getLogPercentageLimit()