Class MFieldAccessor


@PublicApi public abstract class MFieldAccessor extends Object
Abstract class for extracting fields (properties) from input and storing them.

Under development, please do not implement it yet!

Marvin 5.0, 11/08/2007
  • Constructor Details

    • MFieldAccessor

      public MFieldAccessor()
  • Method Details

    • getMainMolecule

      public abstract Molecule getMainMolecule(int irec, Molecule mol)
      Gets the main molecule object in a record.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      the main molecule object or null if it does not exist
    • getKeys

      public abstract String[] getKeys(int irec, Molecule mol)
      Gets the keys in a record.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      the array of keys
    • getFields

      public abstract void getFields(int irec, Molecule mol, String[] keys, MProp[] values)
      Extracts properties.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      keys - array of field keys
      values - the output array, may contain null if a property is not found
    • setFields

      public abstract void setFields(int irec, Molecule mol, String[] keys, MProp[] values)
      Sets properties.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      keys - array of field keys
      values - array of values
    • isEditable

      public abstract boolean isEditable(int irec, Molecule mol, String key)
      Tests whether a field is editable or not.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      key - the field key
      true if setFields works for this key, false otherwise
    • setField

      public final void setField(int irec, Molecule mol, String key, MProp p)
      Sets a property.
      irec - the record number
      mol - input molecule, may be null in case of an implementation for which the record number is enough
      key - the field key
      p - the property value
    • propToString

      protected String propToString(MProp p)
      Converts a property to a string. Utility method called by implementations.
      p - the property
      the string value