Interface DissimilarityInput

@Beta @PublicApi public interface DissimilarityInput
DissimilarityInput represents an input set for similarity based clustering algorithm.

This abstraction is used when pairwise comparison of inputs is required by a certain algorithm.

Please note that this interface is marked with Beta annotation, so it can be subject of incompatible changes or removal in later releases.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    dissimilarity(int targetIndex, int queryIndex)
    Dissimilarity/distance between an ordered pair of input items.
    Item count to be considered.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
      Item count to be considered.
      Item count
    • dissimilarity

      double dissimilarity(int targetIndex, int queryIndex)
      Dissimilarity/distance between an ordered pair of input items.

      Please note that the represented input is not necessarily a metric space.

      Note that parameter naming discriminates query and target indexes to be consistent with the usage of non symmetric underlying comparison metrics.

      targetIndex - Index of first item to be compared
      queryIndex - Index of second item to be compared
      Dissimilarity of the two compared items
      IllegalArgumentException - when either of the idem indexes passed is negative or greater or equal to item count returned by size()