Class BvParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
DescriptorParameters, Serializable

@Beta @PublicApi public final class BvParameters extends Object implements DescriptorParameters, Serializable
Parameters for generic binary vector descriptor.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_LENGTH
      Default length (bit count).
      See Also:

      public static final BvParameters.StringFormat DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT
      Default String format.

      public static final BinaryVectors.Endianness DEFAULT_ENDIANNESS
      Default endianness of packing operations.
  • Constructor Details

    • BvParameters

      public BvParameters(BvParameters.Builder builder)
      Constructor based on a builder.
      builder - Builder which current state will be represented.
    • BvParameters

      public BvParameters()
      Construct with default values.
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptorGenerator

      public BvGenerator getDescriptorGenerator()
      Description copied from interface: DescriptorParameters
      Return the represented descriptor generator.

      Please note that certain descriptors might provide multiple DescriptorGenerator implementations for different descriptor representations. (Consider structure based fingerprints feature list/feature counts/folded finite binary vector representations.) Such different descriptor generators might be exposed through their parameters object as multiple factory methods.

      Specified by:
      getDescriptorGenerator in interface DescriptorParameters
      Associated generator
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • createNewBuilder

      public static BvParameters.Builder createNewBuilder()
      Construct a builder for this parameter class, initialized to default.
      Builder initialized to default settings
    • getLength

      public int getLength()
      Returns represented fingerprint length (bit count) setting.

      Note that length is positive and multiply of 64 (bitcount of long).

      Fingerprint length
    • getStringFormat

      public BvParameters.StringFormat getStringFormat()
      Returns represented string format.
      String format used when converting descriptors to/from strings
    • getEndianness

      public BinaryVectors.Endianness getEndianness()
      Endianness of packing operations.

      Binary vectors (fingerprints) represent a fixed number of bits identified by bit indices. The same fingerprint can be represented as a binary string, int, long or byte array. The first bit (having index 0), always maps to the first element from each of the packed array representations. Further mapping is determined by the endianness parameter.

      Endianness of packing operations.