Package chemaxon.formats.documents.jchemoffice

package chemaxon.formats.documents.jchemoffice
  • Class
    Available card layout alignments
    All comparison operators for evaluating a conditional rule.
    Conditional rule settings to evaluate data entries for conditional formatting
    ConversionOptions class is the default/basic implementations of the conversion options interface.
    The DocumentHandlerFactory class is the entry point to instantiate classes which implement the IDocumentWriter, IDocumentReader IDocumentConverter interfaces.
    Available document types
    Mode type how the file name is generated from the source molecule.
    Available font alignments
    Available font styles
    Specific settings for arrangement of structures and properties, which is like the one structure per page when the structure is placed separate from the property table.
    ICellData interface provides functionality to read/write cell data
    ICellFormat interface gives functionality to read/write the formatting options of a table cell.
    IConversionOptions interface gives read/write information about the different settings during document conversion
    The IDocumentConverter interface offers the functionality to convert the structures in the given document to a new format.
    The IDocumentReader interface gives the functionality to read the Chemical Structures from a given document.
    The IDocumentTemplateWriter interface offers the functionality to report chemical information in a predefined template.
    The IDocumentWriter interface gives the functionality to write/update documents with Chemical Structures.
    IGenericOption interface gives read/write information about generic quality related options.
    Available Image Generation Types {ImageWriter, FormattingString}
    IMoleculeData interface contains Molecule class and related data
    Interface for a generic renderer that can be registered in a renderer container.
    ITableModel interface gives basic information about the table.
    ITemplateWriterOptions interface gives read/write information about the different settings during document reporting based on templates.
    MoleculeMap class stores the Molecule related information.
    Container class that collects renderer (more pieces of renderer in the future) The default renderer is the java renderer the API used so far.
    Conditional formatting descriptor for property tables (card layout)
    Available property table relative position to the structure in the document section
    ReportSettings class can be instantiated and used in writer functionalities.
    TemplateWriterOptions class is the default/basic implementations of the template writer options interface.