Class BondLengthChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
StructureChecker, chemaxon.license.Licensable, PropertyChangeListener, Cloneable, EventListener

@PublicApi public class BondLengthChecker extends AbstractStructureChecker
Bond Length Checker detects bonds with wrong length in 2D structures.
Marvin 6.4
  • Constructor Details

    • BondLengthChecker

      public BondLengthChecker()
      Default constructor
    • BondLengthChecker

      @Deprecated public BondLengthChecker(Map<String,String> params)
      Checker has no parameters.
      Parameterized constructor. Since JChem 6.4 BondLengthChecker does not have parameters. This is a fake constructor to maintain compatibility with the API and with configuration files/strings. Parameters "short" and "long" will be ignored.
      params - a Map instance which contains String pairs. Key is the name of the parameter.
  • Method Details