Class RgroupCheckerResult

All Implemented Interfaces:

@PublicApi public class RgroupCheckerResult extends DefaultStructureCheckerResult
A descendant of DefaultStructureCheckerResult providing information of R-group issues.
Marvin 5.6
  • Constructor Details

    • RgroupCheckerResult

      public RgroupCheckerResult(StructureChecker source, StructureCheckerErrorType type, List<MolAtom> atoms, List<MolBond> bonds, List<Integer> rgroups, Molecule molecule, String description, String name, String localMenuName, String helpText, Icon icon, int errorCount)
      Constructor which initialize all the properties.
      source - is the StructureChecker instance which identified the problem
      type - is an instance of StructureCheckerErrorType which identifies the problem
      atoms - a List of MolAtom which contains the affected atoms of the problem
      bonds - a List of MolBond which contains the affected bonds of the problem
      rgroups - a List of R-group IDs that indicates the affected R-groups of the problem
      molecule - is a Molecule instance which contains the described problem
      description - is short information about the problem
      name - is the name of the checker which found the described problem
      localMenuName - is a String which should be shown in the local menu of Marvin Sketch
      helpText - is help message for the problem
      icon - is an instance of Icon which will be shown in Marvin Sketch checker dialogs
      errorCount - count of identified errors
  • Method Details