Package chemaxon.descriptors
package chemaxon.descriptors
ClassDescriptionImplements BCUT descriptors.Descriptor generator class for the
descriptor.Manages parameters for theBCUT
descriptor class.Manages parameters theCustomDescriptor
class generates topological fingerprints of molecular graphs.Manages fingerprint parameters.TheChemicalFingerprint
class implements topological fingerprints as a type ofMolecularDescriptor
class implements a generic molecular descriptor class which supports third party or use defined descriptors.Simple class for generating molecular descriptors (fingerprints).TheECFP
class implements Extended-Connectivity Fingerprints (ECFPs) as a type ofMolecularDescriptor
s.Class for representing the substructural features of ECFP fingerprints.Class for retrieving the substructural features of ECFP fingerprints.TheECFPGenerator
class generates ECFP fingerprints of molecular graphs.Manages ECFP fingerprint parameters.Base class for all kinds ofMolecularDescriptor
generators.Exception definition for theMolecularDescriptor.generate()
parameter settings.MDParametersException
reports all kinds of parametrization related failures.TheMetrics
class implements dissimilarity metrics forMolecularDescriptors
.Generic definition of molecular descriptors.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.No longer used, will be removed.ThePFGenerator
class generates 2-dimensional pharmacophore fingerprints for molecular graphs.Manages 2D pharmacophore fingerprint parameters.ThePharmacophoreFingerprint
class implements 2D pharmacophoric fingerprints.ReactionFingerprint
class.Generator class for theReactionFingerprint
descriptor.Manages reaction fingerprint parameters.Base class for all scalar descriptors.ManagesScalarDescriptor
parameters.Shape descriptor implements a 3D alignment based similarity calculation.Descriptor similarity calculation can be performed using SimilarityCalculator.This factory creates a similarity calculator object according to the user defined parameters.