Class NamePrefixException

All Implemented Interfaces:

@PublicApi public class NamePrefixException extends NameFormatException
This exception should be thrown by a NameConverter to indicate that even though a name cannot be converted to a structure, it is the prefix of a valid name.

This is only required when prefix mode is enabled (but it is acceptable to throw it even outside of prefix mode).

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • token

      public final String token
  • Constructor Details

    • NamePrefixException

      public NamePrefixException()
    • NamePrefixException

      public NamePrefixException(String prefix)
      prefix - the text that could be parsed as a name prefix.
    • NamePrefixException

      public NamePrefixException(String prefix, String incompleteToken)
      prefix - the text that could be parsed as a name prefix.
      incompleteToken - the specific part of the prefix which is not complete. e.g. for "1-methylbenzoic", "oic" could be the token.