Class AttachedDataChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
StructureChecker, chemaxon.license.Licensable, PropertyChangeListener, Cloneable, EventListener

@PublicApi public class AttachedDataChecker extends AbstractStructureChecker
A descendant of AbstractStructureChecker detecting attached data in the molecule.
Marvin 5.3
  • Field Details


      public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_EXCLUDED
      This public constant String represents the name of the property which is responsible for the list of excluded data.
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_IS_EXCLUSION_REGEXP
      The name of the property, which is responsible for the decision if the excluded data should be treated as a regular expression instead of a (comma separated) list of strings.
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SEARCH_EXCLUDED
      See Also:

      public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SEARCH_WITH_REGEXP_EXCLUSION
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AttachedDataChecker

      public AttachedDataChecker()
      Default constructor. No exclusion is done on data.
    • AttachedDataChecker

      public AttachedDataChecker(Map<String,String> params)
      Parameterized constructor. If "excluded" parameter is given, then the data, that "matches" this parameter value, won't appear in the result. Here "matches" can mean two things:
      • If the "isExclusionRegexp" parameter is not set to "true", then the parameter value is treated as a comma separated list. Any exact match from this list is a match.
      • The parameter is treated as a regular expression otherwise (see Pattern). A match to this regular expression is a match.
      params - a Map instance which contains String pairs. Key is the name of the parameter. (exclusion
  • Method Details