Class MDFileWriter


@PublicApi public class MDFileWriter extends MDWriter
Writes chemical descriptor sets (MDSet)s into text files. The output file can either be a bunch of descriptor files, in which case one MDSet component is associated with one file; or it can also be an SDfile, in which case custom tags are written along with the molecule and with its existing tags that store the MolecularDescriptors in a format that MDFileReader can interpret.
In the output one component is written per file. The unique identifier of MDSet objects is printed in all files. Always blank space is used as a separator character. The descriptor file contains two header lines, the first is the type name of the descriptor, while the second is the configuration string used in the descriptor generation.
JChem 2.0
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class chemaxon.descriptors.MDWriter

  • Constructor Summary

    MDFileWriter(int nComponents)
    Creates a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets that have the given number of components.
    MDFileWriter(String[] descrNames, String[] types, MDParameters[] settings)
    Creates and initialises a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text files component-wise.
    MDFileWriter(String[] descrNames, String[] types, String[] settings)
    Creates and initialises a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text files component-wise.
    MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, int nComponents)
    Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile.
    MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, String[] descrNames, String[] types, MDParameters[] settings)
    Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile.
    MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, String[] descrNames, String[] types, String[] settings)
    Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile.
    MDFileWriter(String descrName, String type, MDParameters settings)
    Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text file.
    MDFileWriter(String descrName, String type, String settings)
    Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text file.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes the stream, after that no more operations are permitted.
    Gets the actual parameter settings of the specified component.
    Gets the last molecular descriptor set generated and put into the output file.
    put(MDSet ds)
    Writes the given MDSet object into the output files as readable text.
    put(Molecule mol, int id)
    Generates the MDSet object from the given molecular structure and writes result.
    put(Molecule mol, String naturalId)
    Generates the MDSet for the given Molecule and writes the descriptors into the output with the given identifier.
    setBinaryOutputFormat(boolean binaryOutputFormat)
    Sets binary output format.
    setComponent(int index, String descrName, String type, MDParameters settings)
    Sets an individual MDSet component's type and corresponding parameters.
    setComponent(int index, String descrName, String type, String settings)
    Sets an individual MDSet component's type and corresponding parameters.
    setDecimalOutputFormat(boolean decimalOutputFormat)
    Sets decimal output format.
    setPrintId(boolean printId)
    Sets whether unique internal ID-s of structures have to be printed into the output table.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String[] descrNames, String[] types, MDParameters[] settings) throws MDWriterException
      Creates and initialises a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text files component-wise. With this constructor the client of this class can feed in Molecules without dealing with details of generating descriptors.
      descrNames - output file names
      types - class names of components
      settings - parameter setting of component
      MDWriterException - in case of any failures
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String[] descrNames, String[] types, String[] settings) throws MDWriterException
      Creates and initialises a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text files component-wise. With this constructor the client of this class can feed in Molecules without dealing with details of generating descriptors.
      descrNames - output file names
      types - class names of components
      settings - parameter setting of component
      MDWriterException - in case of any failures
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(int nComponents)
      Creates a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets that have the given number of components. Components have to be specified by calling setComponent().
      nComponents - number of components of the MDSet to be written
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String descrName, String type, MDParameters settings) throws MDWriterException
      Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text file. Use this constructor when the MDSet has one component only.
      descrName - output file name
      type - class name of the descriptor
      settings - parameter setting
      MDWriterException - in case of any failures
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String descrName, String type, String settings) throws MDWriterException
      Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named text file. Use this constructor when the MDSet has one component only.
      descrName - output file name
      type - class name of the descriptor
      settings - parameter setting
      MDWriterException - in case of any failures
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, int nComponents)
      Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile. Descriptors generated are also stored as readable strings in custom SDf tags. Components have to be specified by calling setComponent().
      SDfileName - the name of the output SDFile
      nComponents - number of components of the MDSet
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, String[] descrNames, String[] types, MDParameters[] settings)
      Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile. Descriptors generated are also stored as readable strings in custom SDf tags. All components of the descriptor set is specified by type and parameter settings.
      SDfileName - the name of the output SDFile
      descrNames - output file names
      types - class names of components
      settings - parameter setting of component
    • MDFileWriter

      public MDFileWriter(String SDfileName, String[] descrNames, String[] types, String[] settings)
      Creates and initializes a new MDFileWriter object that stores MDSets in the named SDfile. Descriptors generated are also stored as readable strings in custom SDf tags. All components of the descriptor set is specified by type and parameter settings.
      SDfileName - the name of the output SDFile
      descrNames - output file names
      types - class names of components
      settings - parameter settings strings
  • Method Details

    • setDecimalOutputFormat

      public void setDecimalOutputFormat(boolean decimalOutputFormat)
      Sets decimal output format. In this format all descriptor cells are printed and separated by a comma.
      decimalOutputFormat - indicates if decimal format is written
    • setBinaryOutputFormat

      public void setBinaryOutputFormat(boolean binaryOutputFormat)
      Sets binary output format. In this format all descriptor cells are printed as 0 and 1 if this makes sense (i.e for binary fingerprints only).
      binaryOutputFormat - indicates if binary format is written
      JChem 2.3
    • setComponent

      public void setComponent(int index, String descrName, String type, MDParameters settings)
      Sets an individual MDSet component's type and corresponding parameters. Use this method, when descriptor tytpe have not been specified in the constructor.
      index - index of the MDSet component
      descrName - output file name
      type - class name of the descriptor
      settings - parameter setting
    • setComponent

      public void setComponent(int index, String descrName, String type, String settings)
      Sets an individual MDSet component's type and corresponding parameters. Use this method, when descriptor tytpe have not been specified in the constructor.
      index - index of the MDSet component
      descrName - output file name
      type - class name of the descriptor
      settings - parameters string
    • setPrintId

      public void setPrintId(boolean printId)
      Sets whether unique internal ID-s of structures have to be printed into the output table.
      printId - unique id-s are printed or not
    • getMDParameters

      public MDParameters getMDParameters(int id)
      Gets the actual parameter settings of the specified component.
      Specified by:
      getMDParameters in class MDWriter
      id - component index
      parameter settings
      JChem 2.1
    • getMDSet

      public MDSet getMDSet()
      Gets the last molecular descriptor set generated and put into the output file.
      the most recent MDSet
      JChem 2.3
    • put

      public void put(MDSet ds) throws MDWriterException
      Writes the given MDSet object into the output files as readable text.
      ds - MDSet to be printed
      MDWriterException - inherited, never thrown
    • put

      public void put(Molecule mol, int id) throws MDWriterException
      Generates the MDSet object from the given molecular structure and writes result. The descriptors are either written into the descriptor output file (as readable text) or into an SDfile as tags. these two modes of operation depend on how the MDFileWriter object was created.
      Specified by:
      put in class MDWriter
      mol - generate MDSet for this structure
      id - the id of the descriptors in the output
      MDWriterException - inherited, never thrown
    • put

      public void put(Molecule mol, String naturalId) throws MDWriterException
      Generates the MDSet for the given Molecule and writes the descriptors into the output with the given identifier. Note, that the mol parameter is not final, because descriptors generated are stored in this object (as properties).
      mol - the Molecule object to be written
      naturalId - unique identifier of the molecule as given on input
      MDWriterException - all exceptions (mainly io) are reinterpreted
      JChem 2.0.1
    • close

      public void close() throws MDWriterException
      Closes the stream, after that no more operations are permitted.
      Specified by:
      close in class MDWriter
      MDWriterException - all exceptions (mainly io) are reinterpreted