Interface ICellFormat

@PublicApi public interface ICellFormat
ICellFormat interface gives functionality to read/write the formatting options of a table cell.
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the given cell
      width of the cell
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(int width)
      Sets the width of the given cell
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the given cell
      height of the cell
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(int height)
      Sets the height of the given cell
    • getBackColor

      Color getBackColor()
      Returns the back color of the given cell
      back color of the cell
    • setBackColor

      void setBackColor(Color color)
      Sets the back color of the given cell
    • getForeColor

      Color getForeColor()
      Returns the fore color of the given cell
      fore color of the cell
    • setForeColor

      void setForeColor(Color color)
      Sets the fore color of the given cell
    • getLineColor

      Color getLineColor()
      Returns the line color of the given cell
      line color of the cell
    • setLineColor

      void setLineColor(Color color)
      Sets the line color of the given cell
    • getFont

      Font getFont()
      Returns the font of the given cell
      font of the cell
    • setFont

      void setFont(Font font)
      Sets the font of the given cell
    • getAlignment

      FontAlignment getAlignment()
      Return font alignment of the cell
      font alignment of the cell
    • setAlignment

      void setAlignment(FontAlignment fontAlignment)
      Set font alignment of the cell
    • getStyle

      FontStyle getStyle()
      Get font style of the cell
      font style of the cell
    • setStyle

      void setStyle(FontStyle fontStyle)
      Set font style of the cell
    • Assign

      void Assign(ICellFormat source)
      Assign an existing cell format to the cell