Class DocumentAnnotatorOptions


@PublicApi public class DocumentAnnotatorOptions extends Object
Represents various options regarding how a document should be annotated, both in terms of input and output.
  • Field Details

    • NoStructureFormat

      public static final String NoStructureFormat
      Use this format constant to avoid exporting any structural format in the HTML output.
      See Also:
    • firstPage

      public final Integer firstPage
      The first page of the document that should be annotated.

      By default or if null, the document is annotated from the starting page.

      Note that this option only applies to documents that have page numbers, in particular PDF documents.

    • lastPage

      public final Integer lastPage
      The last page of the document that should be annotated.

      By default or if null, the document is annotated until its last page.

      Note that this option only applies to documents that have page numbers, in particular PDF documents.

    • listener

      public final DocumentAnnotator.Listener listener
      A listener that will be notified of the progress of the annotation.

      This can be used for instance to implement a progress bar.

    • useOpticalCharacterRecognition

      public final Boolean useOpticalCharacterRecognition
      Whether to use Optical Character Recognition on images.

      By default (and when set to null), Document Annotator will try to determine if OCR is required. In particular, OCR will be skipped the document has already been OCR'd by a known program.

    • nameStructureFormat

      public final String nameStructureFormat
      The structure format used to represent hits converted from names.
    • structureFormat

      public final String structureFormat
      The structure format used to represent hits converted from other sources than names (OSR, embedded structures, ...).
    • popupImageFormat

      public final DocumentAnnotatorOptions.ImageFormat popupImageFormat
      The image format which should be used for popups in the annotated document.