Interface IDBasedHierarchicCluster

All Superinterfaces:
Cluster<Integer>, HierarchicCluster<Integer>

@Beta @PublicApi public interface IDBasedHierarchicCluster extends HierarchicCluster<Integer>
A Hierarchic cluster over integers, preferably IDs; having associated integral ClusterID.

Please note that this class is marked with @Beta annotation, so it can be subject of incompatible changes or removal in later releases.

  • Method Details

    • getClusterID

      int getClusterID()
      Associated cluster ID, unique among a clustering.

      Please note that cluster ID is exposed in order to ease the implementation of efficient composition of higher level clustering representations. Cluster IDs associated for clusters retrieved from different clusterings can not be meaningfully compared.

      Associated cluster ID.
    • clusters

      Description copied from interface: HierarchicCluster
      Access further grouping of the represented elements.

      Note that a hierarchic cluster might represent structures without further divisions: it is valid to contain Cluster.members() but not contain HierarchicCluster.clusters().

      Specified by:
      clusters in interface HierarchicCluster<Integer>
      List of child clusters. The returned list is empty when no child clusters contained.
    • parent

      Description copied from interface: HierarchicCluster
      Get parent for non roots.
      Specified by:
      parent in interface HierarchicCluster<Integer>
      Perent cluster for non root clusters.