Interface BinaryVectorDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
Descriptor, Guarded, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
Cfp, Ecfp, Maccs

@Beta @PublicApi public interface BinaryVectorDescriptor extends Descriptor
BinaryVectorDescriptor is a Descriptor which holds a fixed length binary fingerprint.

BinaryVectorDescriptor is a bare form descriptor.

Please note that this interface is marked with Beta annotation, so it can be subject of incompatible changes or removal in later releases.

  • Method Details

    • getFP

      int[] getFP()
      Get integer array representation of this fingerprint.

      The returned array might be the the internal representation array so changing the values is forbidden. Please note that this behavior is not guaranteed, the returned array can be a non cached copy of the represented binary vector generated on every invocation.

      Integer array representation
    • getFpAsLongs

      long[] getFpAsLongs()
      Get long array representation of this fingerprint.

      The returned array might be the the internal representation array so changing the values is forbidden. Please note that this behavior is not guaranteed, the returned array can be a non cached copy of the represented binary vector generated on every invocation.

      Long array representation
      IllegalStateException - when the underlying fingerprint length is not multiply of 64 bits.
    • getFpAsBitset

      BitSet getFpAsBitset()
      Get BitSet representation of this fingerprint.
      BitSet representation
    • calculateDarkness

      int calculateDarkness()
      Calculate the darkness of this fingerprint.

      Please note that the returned value is not necessarily cached, so the calculation might be executed for multiple consecutive invocations.

      Count of set bits in the fingerprint
    • getFpAsBytes

      byte[] getFpAsBytes()
      Convert to byte array.
      byte array representation
    • toIntDecimalString

      String toIntDecimalString()
      Converts the fingerprints integer array representation into a tab separated string.
      string representation of the fingerprint. The first integer in the returned string is the integer representation arrays first element (with index 0)
    • toLongDecimalString

      String toLongDecimalString()
      Converts the fingerprints long array representation into a tab separated string.
      string representation of the fingerprint. The first long in the returned string is the long representation arrays first element (with index 0)
    • toBinaryString

      String toBinaryString()
      Convert the fingerprint into a binary string.

      The first character of the returned string represents the first bit.

      Binary string representation.