Interface Guarded

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
BinaryVectorDescriptor, BvGenerator, Cfp, CfpComparator, CfpGenerator, Descriptor, DescriptorComparator<D>, DescriptorGenerator<B>, DescriptorSerializer<B>, DRShapeDescriptor, Ecfp, EcfpComparator, EcfpGenerator, FloatVectorDescriptor, FvGenerator, Maccs, MaccsComparator, MaccsGenerator, PfComparator, PfGenerator, PharmacophoreFP, ShapeComparator<T>, ShapeDescriptor
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractShapeComparator, AbstractShapeGenerator

@Beta @PublicApi public interface Guarded extends Serializable
Represents guarded entities.

A guard object's reference represents a compatibility partition of an object hierarchy. For example instances of a specific Descriptor are only comparable when their parameterization is the same.

Please note that this interface is marked with Beta annotation, so it can be subject of incompatible changes or removal in later releases.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Guarded checking utility.
    static class 
    Create new guard object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the guard object associated to the generated descriptors/utilities.
  • Method Details

    • getGuardObject

      Object getGuardObject()
      Gets the guard object associated to the generated descriptors/utilities.

      Note that serialization/deserialization must preserve guard object reference.

      This method is intended to use only for ensuring the compatibility of manipulated objects.

      Implementations might use the associated DescriptorGenerator or DescriptorParameters reference as the guard object, however it is a non recommended practice to use this method to access the associated generator to perform further operations on it.

      The guard object, can not be null.