Interface FloatVectorDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
Descriptor, Guarded, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

@Beta @PublicApi public interface FloatVectorDescriptor extends Descriptor, Serializable
FloatVectorDescriptor is a Descriptor which holds a float vector fingerprint.

FloatVectorDescriptor is a bare form descriptor.

Please note that this interface is marked with @Beta annotation, so it can be subject of incompatible changes or removal in later releases.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.chemaxon.descriptors.common.Guarded

    Guarded.EnsureThat, Guarded.New
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Euclidean norm of the represented vector.
    Gets the float array representation of the fingerprint.
    Manhattan norm of the represented vector.
    Maximum norm of the represented vector.

    Methods inherited from interface com.chemaxon.descriptors.common.Guarded

  • Method Details

    • getFP

      float[] getFP()
      Gets the float array representation of the fingerprint.

      The returned array might be the the internal representation array so changing the values is forbidden. Please note that this behavior is not guaranteed, the returned array can be a non cached copy of the represented vector generated on every invocation.

      float array
    • getEuclideanNorm

      double getEuclideanNorm()
      Euclidean norm of the represented vector.

      Note that the actual implementation might or might not cache the returned value.

      Square root of the sum of the squares of the coordinates
      See Also:
    • getManhattanNorm

      double getManhattanNorm()
      Manhattan norm of the represented vector.

      Note that the actual implementation might or might not cache the returned value.

      Sum of the squares of the coordinates
      See Also:
    • getMaximumNorm

      double getMaximumNorm()
      Maximum norm of the represented vector.

      Note that the actual implementation might or might not cache the returned value.

      Maximum of the absolute values of the coordinates
      See Also: